GHG Project Verification for Forests, Land-Use, Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Blue Carbon, and more
Carbon offset projects are developed to provide real reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing, absorbing or avoiding the release of carbon dioxide. EnviroLink Services works closely with project developers and landowners to provide third-party verification, a crucial step to secure the sale or trade of carbon credits in global carbon markets such as the California Cap-and-Trade Program – Carbon Offset Verification in Dubai UAE
For our other solutions, please click https://www.envirolink.me/solutions/
Why work with EnviroLink on your offset verification?
– Assure funders and buyers that your projects are making real climate mitigation impacts, backed by EnviroLink’ reliability and longstanding climate expertise
– Work with knowledgeable staff with experience verifying a wide range of offset project types
– Provide independent confirmation of your emissions reduction claim for better access to carbon markets
– Receive support throughout the verification process and afterwards
– enviro LINK has verified over 250 million tonnes of Co2e emissions reductions! – Carbon Offset Verification
Service Offerings - Carbon Offset Verification in Dubai UAE
- Accredited Verification Body : EnviroLink is accredited to ISO 14065 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to offer carbon offset project validation and verification under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Climate Action Reserve (CAR), the American Carbon Registry (ACR), the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCB), and the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISTA). EnviroLink is also accredited to perform carbon offset project verifications under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for all project types.
- Carbon Offset Services : Pre-assessment or gap analysis – EnviroLink can conduct a gap analysis prior to initiating the project. A gap analysis can identify technical issues prior to final verification.
- Project design validation – EnviroLink can validate the design of your offset project to determine your eligibility for verification. Please contact our GHG verification staff at any point in the development stages of your project.
- Verification of project based emissions reductions – EnviroLink can verify GHG emission reductions.
- VCS Methodology Assessment – EnviroLink can help you develop a methodology for carbon offset projects where no prior methodology exists.
- Complementary enviro LINK Services In addition, EnviroLink provides carbon footprint measurement and verification for any entity or corporation. EnviroLink offers measurement and verification of GHG inventories under the World Resources Institute and the Carbon Disclosure Project. EnviroLink is also ANSI-accredited to offer GHG inventory verification under The Climate Registry. Also, combine your forest project verification with Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Forest Management Certification for increased operational and cost efficiency.
Project Types - Carbon Offset Verification in Dubai UAE
- EnviroLink Services works with project developers, landowners, manufacturers, and private and municipal operators in a wide variety of industries. The EnviroLink verification team has expertise with first-of-its-kind projects, with a long history of experience in Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land-Use (AFOLU), including forest inventory and sampling, remote sensing, GIS, forest biometrics, forest modelling, soil carbon, combined VCS-CCB audits, and combined FSC and forest carbon audits.
- Here are some of the project types that EnviroLink can verify. If you don’t see your project type listed below, please contact us to ask.
- Rice cultivation
- Blue Carbon
- Grasslands
- Compost Addition
- College energy efficiency
- Landfill Methane Destruction
- Livestock Methane Destruction
- Ozone Depleting Substances Destruction
- Mine Methane Capture
- Renewable Energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Transportation
- Biofuel production
- Various industrial and manufacturing processes
- Improved Forest Management
- Afforestation and Reforestation
- Avoided Conversion Projects
- REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation)
- Sustainable Agricultural Land Management
- Other AFOLU Project Types (including peatlands and wetlands)
Generate Carbon Credits
- Steps to Project Completion and Credit Generation
- 1. Choose a methodology developed under a recognized GHG program and develop offset project 2. Work with EnviroLink for third-party validation and verification
- Desk review: EnviroLink conducts a desk review of all project documentation and validates the project design
- Site visit: EnviroLink conducts a site visit to assess your project’s conformance with the relevant standard
- Draft Report: EnviroLink issues a draft report based on submitted materials and findings from the site visit
- Technical Review: An EnviroLink lead verifier who is not involved in the verification process will conduct an independent review of the audit
- Scheme Review and Approval: EnviroLink produces a finalized verification opinion and submits the report to the applicable GHG program for registration and request for the issuance of carbon offsets
- Carbon credits are issued