Product Carbon Footprint

Measuring GHG Impacts Across the Life Cycle

Establish your carbon footprint for products or services professionally and cost-effectively with enviro LINK Global Services. We specialize in helping you understand your life cycle GHG impacts, identify hot spots in your supply chain, determine continuous improvement strategies, and satisfy customer and stakeholder expectations. Your product carbon footprint can be generated in conformance to the World Resource Institute (WRI) GHG Protocol, PAS 2050, or ISO/TS 14067 – Product Carbon Footprint Certification

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Our expert team is highly experienced in the assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) product analyses. We can help you better understand, model, and calculate GHG emissions for your products and services. We can also provide third-party validation of products that have already been foot printed and require carbon labeling.

Program Details

Benefits - Product Carbon Footprint Certification