Environmentally Preferable Product in Dubai UAE
Environmentally preferable products (EPP) are widely recognized as having lower environmental impacts than typical products in the same category. Government agencies, architects, designers, businesses, and institutions are increasingly seeking to purchase EPP products. Envirolink Global Services uses the most advanced life-cycle assessment (LCA) metrics to confirm that your products meet this standard of excellence – a leading measure of sustainability – Environmentally Preferable Product in Dubai UAE
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Envirolink Services is an internationally recognized third-party certifier of environmental claims in the green building, food, energy, and consumer product sectors. Envirolink certification signals that your EPP claim is backed by rigorous scientific review.
Program Details -Environmentally Preferable Product in Dubai UAE
- Eligibility : Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) certification is available to producers of manufactured goods, input material manufacturers, and electricity providers.
- Certification Criteria : To be certified, your product must perform equal to or better in every category of potential environmental impact than other products serving the same function, with no environmental trade-offs. This performance addresses every stage of the product life cycle from raw material extraction and processing through manufacturing, use, and final disposition.
- Envirolink uses the most advanced life cycle assessment (LCA) protocols, now described in a new draft standard undergoing finalization in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process, to make its EPP determinations.
Impact Categories
- EPP results are reported for those impact categories that are applicable and environmentally relevant for your product. They are drawn from the following complete list. To learn more about each category
- Resource Depletion : Energy Resource Depletion (Biotic/Abiotic)
- Water Resource Depletion
- Minerals and Metals Resource Depletion (by type)
- Biobased Resource Depletion (by type)
- Land Use Ecological Impacts : Terrestrial Biome Disturbance
- Fresh Water Biome Disturbance
- Riparian/Wetland Biome Disturbance
- Loss of Key Species (by species)
- Impacts From GHG/BC Emissions : Global Climate Change
- Arctic Climate Change
- Ocean Acidification
- Ocean Warming
- Regional Environmental Impacts From Emissions : Regional Acidification
- Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
- Ecotoxicity
- Eutrophication
- Human Health Impacts From Emissions : Ground Level Ozone
- PM 2.5
- Toxic Emissions - Effects from Inhalation (Chronic, Non-Carcinogenic)
- Toxic Emissions - Effects from Inhalation (Carcinogenic)
- Indoor Air Toxic Emissions - Inhalation
- Toxic Emissions - Effects from Ingestion (Chronic, Non-Carcinogenic)
- Toxic Emissions - Effects from Ingestion (Carcinogenic)
- Risks From Untreated Hazardous and Radioactive Waste : Risks from Radioactive Wastes
- Risks from Hazardous Wastes (by type)
Benefits - Environmentally Preferable Product in Dubai UAE
- Apply for Service : Complete and submit the Envirolink Application Form. Envirolink reviews the information provided on your application form, and schedules a scoping call.
- Scoping Call : The scoping call is intended to answer any outstanding questions Envirolink may have about your product. Together, we define the benchmark or baseline case to be used for comparison, and the scope of the assessment. Data resources are also discussed.
- Authorize a Proposal and Work Order : Envirolink prepares a proposal and work order for your approval spelling out the scope of work, timeline and quote.
- Data Request Form : Envirolink customizes a data request form (DRF) for you, based on the product and scope of work. Once you receive the DRF, fill it out and send it back to Envirolink. Envirolink answers any questions you have to help you fill it out correctly.
- Comparative Life Cycle Assessment :Once Envirolink receives the completed DRF, the EPP assessment is conducted.
- Certification Decision : Envirolink makes the final certification decision. If certification is granted, Envirolink issues the certificate and final report. The product is posted to the Envirolink Certified Product Directory.