Sustainability Consulting Services at Design for LEED and BREEAM Standards / Green Building Standards like Estidama & Al Safat in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, KSA, Jeddah, Khobar and Middle East. Climate & Wind Analysis, Massing, Form & Orientation, Sunpath and Shadow Analysis, Solar and Insolation Analysis, Internal & External CFD Analysis, Glare and Daylight Analysis, Fenestration and Shading Analysis, Thermal Comfort Study, Energy Benchmarking, Indoor Acoustic Performance Study, Energy Modelling Preliminary Report, Building Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Modelling Final Report
This Climate & Wind Analysis provides the Weather Data Parameters (Like dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, relative humidity, wind speeds and directions, rainfall data, etc.) so as to understand and lay down various parameters to enable us to plan both passive and active design strategies.
This is the basis and primary input for all CertificationPLUS Design analysis. The weather data is collated for every hour across a year for all possible weather parameters of that place or an equivalent place of similar latitude, longitude, mean sea level and nearness to key geographical locations/ zones.
This analysis is to understand sun movement and falling of shadows for various times during the day and across all seasons for the entire year. This analysis is a must at master planning level and also for individual building surrounded by neighboring building. This analysis helps us to understand how shadows are casted on the building by nearby structures and also by the self- shading of the building form. Based on the play of light and shade, it helps us to plan soft and hardscapes on the site, thereby reducing microclimate effect to its minimum. Sustainable Design Consultant for LEED BREEAM in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, KSA-Saudi, Jeddah, Middle-East. Climate & Wind Analysis, Massing, Form & Orientation, Sunpath and Shadow Analysis, Solar and Insolation Analysis, Internal & External CFD Analysis, Glare and Daylight Analysis, Fenestration and Shading Analysis, Thermal Comfort Study, Energy Benchmarking, Indoor Acoustic Performance Study, Energy Modelling Preliminary Report, Building Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Modelling Final Report
The solar insolation analysis helps us to ascertain the incident heat intensity on the various facades of buildings over a period of a year or for any specific period that we need to analyze. This analysis is invaluable to verify the right form and massing of the building. The building direction and orientation can also be optimized during this time.
This analysis when done with multiple block model options, alone could save us anywhere between 1-3 % of the overall annual building energy consumption
To study the wind movement pattern inside the building through Computation Fluid Dynamics analysis. This analysis gives us the air movement pattern inside the buildings, flow direction and cross ventilation effect can be improved with design intervention. The age of air and temperature inside each zone can be determined and suitable passive architectural strategies can be conceptualized to improve these parameters.
This analysis improves the thermal comfort of occupants in the building and indirectly results in lesser energy consumption due to reduced usage of air conditioners. Sustainable Design Consultant for LEED BREEAM in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, KSA-Saudi, Jeddah, Middle-East. Climate & Wind Analysis, Massing, Form & Orientation, Sunpath and Shadow Analysis, Solar and Insolation Analysis, Internal & External CFD Analysis, Glare and Daylight Analysis, Fenestration and Shading Analysis, Thermal Comfort Study, Energy Benchmarking, Indoor Acoustic Performance Study, Energy Modelling Preliminary Report, Building Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Modelling Final Report
To calculate daylight factors and luminance levels and concludes the sizing of the opening on the different facades. Daylighting, or using sunlight to illuminate the building, is an effective way to both decrease your building’s energy use and make the interior environment more comfortable for people. Strategic use of daylight can reduce this energy demand. Daylight also improves people’s comfort and productivity. Good lighting design reduces the overall annual building energy consumption anywhere between 1-3%
Well-designed sun control and shading devices can dramatically reduce building peak heat gain and cooling requirements and improve the natural lighting quality of building interiors. A proper fenestration design analysis enables the building to have a comfortable indoor environment. Other benefits of fenestration and shading analysis include better comfort, better indoor air quality and savings both in operating energy cost as well as capex investment of HVAC system.
Sustainable Design Consultant for LEED BREEAM in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, KSA-Saudi, Jeddah, Middle-East. Climate & Wind Analysis, Massing, Form & Orientation, Sunpath and Shadow Analysis, Solar and Insolation Analysis, Internal & External CFD Analysis, Glare and Daylight Analysis, Fenestration and Shading Analysis, Thermal Comfort Study, Energy Benchmarking, Indoor Acoustic Performance Study, Energy Modelling Preliminary Report, Building Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Modelling Final Report
Boundary of LCA: LCA of building will be executed on region-specific site data provided by project team and remaining data gaps collected by M/s. EnviroLink. A lot of changes in the structure of building may take place during such a long interval. And these changes are, most of the times, assumed and modeled. Also, buildings use a variety of materials like cement, aggregate, sand, steel, water, aluminium, glass, paints, pipes, plastics, doors windows, wood etc. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to focus on actual data for the above from site and their LCA modeling on local data.
Studies on Real & Local Data:
- A detailed questionnaire based on activities starting from a) Excavation, b) Plinth, c) RCC structures, d) brick wall, e) plastering, f) painting, g) plumbing and electrical, h) roof etc. be prepared and sent to client.
- Based on inputs received, we will attempt to fill data gaps with the help of construction experts of EnviroLink Consultants, published research papers on the topic and similar LCA studies.
- Background processes like electricity, transportation will be taken from Indian data
- LCA will be executed and report will be prepared as per ISO OR / And LEED standards.
Comparison of building with the base structure, will be done highlighting benefits accrued due to measures taken only if the scope includes LEED standards.
Our Team is Experienced in Design Builder.
Extensive Experience in all of the below tools:
Energy Simulation: Design Builder, eQuest, Energy Plus, Open Studio, TAS
Daylighting and Lighting Simulation: Light stanza, Ecotect, Honeybee and DiaLux Evo
Natural ventilation potential (using CFD) and Master Planning studies: Grasshopper plugins -Honeybee, Ladybug, Dragonfly & Butterfly
Data Analysis and Programming Language: MS Excel, C ++ basics and Python
Architectural Software: AutoCAD, Revit, Google Sketch-up
Sustainable Design Consultant for LEED BREEAM in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, KSA-Saudi, Jeddah, Middle-East. Climate & Wind Analysis, Massing, Form & Orientation, Sunpath and Shadow Analysis, Solar and Insolation Analysis, Internal & External CFD Analysis, Glare and Daylight Analysis, Fenestration and Shading Analysis, Thermal Comfort Study, Energy Benchmarking, Indoor Acoustic Performance Study, Energy Modelling Preliminary Report, Building Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Modelling Final Report
Well versed in deploying Thermal Comfort surveys, monitoring instantaneous measurement and logging overtime using data loggers for IAQ, Lighting and Daylighting
- For Environmental Product Declaration in GCC (EPD), refer to https-www-envirolink-me-environmental-product-declarations-epd
- For Health Product Declaration in GCC (HPD), refer to
- For our other Green / Sustainability solutions we offer in Middle-East, please click Envirolink – Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability